Timmy's also been lounging on the window sill, which is only news because the radiator beneath him is so hot he could combust. Twenty pounds of Timmy exploding into flames would not be pretty.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Countdown, and Timmy's Antics
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Hope and Hope (and a Freaky Note)
Her ringworm is much better and her fur is growing in (beautifully), though her ears may remain a little scarred. She still glows a little on the tip of her left ear and her right back paw; test results will be back in a week. This is now the last problem keeping her in the bathroom! Having the end of that era in sight is unreal (and comes with having to kitty-proof this apartment, no small task), but oh-so, oh-so welcome. (I let Glenwood and Timmy eye each other as we left for the vet: Glenwood was nonplussed; Timmy ran behind the couch.)
Glenwood's grown-up teeth are in, which makes her about six months old (not five) and her starting weight even more horrific. She's over 5 pounds now. Her head-to-belly ratio is still off, which prompted a lot of teasing from the Hope people, and ...
... prompted Anna to wonder aloud (bad idea) if Glenwood is pregnant. PREGNANT!?!?!
If you're half as shocked as I was, you've just spit out your coffee. Anna sent Dr. Ryan back in, and she's as sure as she can be that Glenwood not only isn't but couldn't be pregnant - while allowing that stranger things have happened. If Glenwood is pregnant, she's due in a week or so. I can't believe I'm writing this, and now look at her with a little worry. I'm not ready - will never be ready - to be a grandmother.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Life Is a Blur
There will likely be no more still shots of Glenwood, or they'll just be accidents. For every 273 photos I take, maybe two are less than completely blurry. This kitten is on the move (here, in the tub). She's feeling great, getting closer and closer to managing her escape from the bathroom, and growing fur back everywhere. Her off-and-on wheezy breathing and scratching continue, so Saturday's vet visit is welcome, as usual.
On another note, one of my brothers (who shall remain nameless) once cleaned a toaster oven to death. I share this because of the demise of my dustpan. I swept it to death over the last six weeks.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Glenwood's breathing is raspy more often, and it's scary. She's a normal, crazy kitten in every way, and exceptionally loving, but now this. Dr. Ryan said a radiography might be in order and that we'd see Saturday when we go to the vet (well, Glenwood goes; I'm the chauffeur, anxiety-bearer, and bill-payer). It's horrible, but not only do I get frightened about the possibilities, but about the money. Hope Vet is holistic and conservative in advice to do this or that, so if Dr. Ryan recommends it, it will be impossible to do otherwise.
With a friend today, I wondered whether I would do different with Riley had I known that, three or four thousand (who's counting?) dollars later, she lived just a month after the diagnosis. It's easy: I'd do as I did because until the end it wasn't clear. When it was clear, the ER vet wept as I said good-bye; I was sobbing but trying not to so Riley wouldn't remember me that way. I said, "You shouldn't be crying. You're the doctor." She said, "I gave you hope." I said, "You can't do that to yourself." And so Riley went. I was given a room to be with her afterward, and I stayed for a long time, much longer than it felt. Hours. I miss her every day, still cry most days, and now my fear for Glenwood is stirring.
The Gift of Kitty Massage
Friday, November 13, 2009
A Subway Moment
At a stop, someone said something attention-getting; I looked up. Twice a man blocked the subway doors so they wouldn't close. This is an irritant to NYC subway riders, but then I saw he was keeping the doors from closing on the man with the walker, who was inching his way out of the next set of doors down, unaware of the stranger protecting him. It took my breath away and I sort of fell in love with the man who was paying attention and did the right thing. It was exquisite, and so sad.
Timmy Is a Brave New Man
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Kitty Telepathy
Harry must have sent a kitty message to Glenwood yesterday, who up to then had no interest in toilet paper. All in the Family? When Harry Met Glenwood? I think all the bleach is getting to me.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Of course I'm careful to keep the lid closed, but ... Sunday I turned away for half a second and heard a splash. She'd leapt onto the seat but it wasn't there. (I wish I'd seen that.) I fished her out and washed her off in the sink; she was only wet from the waist down (if cats have waists). I towel-dried her and she went on her way, totally undisturbed by the drama.
She's doing great. The new med for her lesions seems to be helping already; they're getting hard to find!
Monday, November 9, 2009
The News from Hope Vet
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Glenwood's First Home
Friday, November 6, 2009
Glenwood's Ancestors

Still Life with Meds
Thursday, November 5, 2009
How Does She Do It?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
One Month In
Glenwood is doing great. Her left eye is apparently healed. The ringworm is healing. (You can see the white fur coming in on her back and tail.) She is done with her oral and ear antibiotics. Her energy output (not to mention litter-box output) is astounding. It's unlikely I'll be posting still shots unless I catch her sleeping (rare). She is planning her escape from the bathroom, and it's harder and harder to foil her. I use a dustpan as a shield when I go in, but I'll soon need something larger and scarier.
This is a photo from October 23, but I love it. It shows how much smalller she was just ten days ago.