The deed is done; Glenwood was spayed yesterday. All went beautifully, and now she's home with her Elizabethan collar. Of course she's been hilarious, and her usual stubborn insistent self. Even with her in my bedroom and separated from Timmy most of the time, she's managed to stretch anyone's idea of what the day after surgery should be. Let's see, she:
- got under my dresser, wearing the cone
- chased Timmy, wearing the cone
- knocked down the luaun barrier I put up, wearing the cone (twice)
- edited an e-mail, wearing the cone (see below)
- unearthed new and lost toys, wearing the cone

I've taken it off a couple of times to give her a break and allow her some bathing time, but she of course doesn't note the incision in her shaved belly. So I keep her away from that until I've had enough of fencing and blocking and put the cone back on. Now I see she's bathing as if the cone weren't on, which means she gets into some weird position and licks the inside of the cone. She is also sleeping quite a bit, and purring a ridiculous amount.
And finally, finally, I got a photo of the one white, broken whisker, which she has somehow held onto all this time.