Copyright 2009-2013 Liz Sweibel

Monday, January 17, 2011

She Looks Like a Poodle

The vet shaved Glenwood's left front leg for the IV, and she still looks like a poodle. This photo doesn't do that image justice (my apologies), but shows her passed out in my lap with her little shaved area last Tuesday, after I brought her home.  (I only just now figured out how to get the images off my new phone.  It was too obvious to figure out a week ago.)

Glenwood had a lengthy hacking attack this morning.  She's not getting any meds for the infection at this point, since they don't help, so it's really about waiting for the radiologist's report in terms of what might be next.  I still do my Q-Tip digs, but it's force of habit and somehow satisfying, as if I'm helping.  She's in no distress, even when she's making her old-man noises, but it's still discomforting.

While this blog doesn't have a sound track, you can take my word for it that she is the loudest bather in cat history.  Timmy is utterly quiet when he's in the grooming zone, but Glenwood snorts up a storm.

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