Copyright 2009-2013 Liz Sweibel

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Limitation and Creativity

When I was in my first year at MassArt, the core courses had pretty strict assignments, which I sometimes wasn't too happy about.  (Art and Fear is the book to read on this one.)  Seventeen years later (can it be?), my studio is in my apartment and not the kind of big raw space I've always had and could beat up.  Between those two things and a zillion others, I've learned that limitation can be freeing.  (Andrea Zittel speaks of this very nicely in her Art:21 segment.)  Most recently, Glenwood occasionally occupies a section of my keyboard, and I wonder if writing without any of those keys might have me produce something really, really brilliant.

She is feeling better, which is great (except at 4 am) since her birthday is approaching and there is going to be a celebration.  It's June 21, I've decided.

See how her fur comes out between her toes?  I love that.  She is due for a mani-pedi, which Sherri kindly provides.  Just the noise the nailclipper makes turns my stomach, which is weird considering how much of her goo I had my hands in for her first several weeks with me.

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