Copyright 2009-2013 Liz Sweibel

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

She Is Asymmetrical

Glenwood spent the day with Dr. Humphreys yesterday.  Big Timmy couldn't believe his good fortune: an entire day with no black flying fur thing landing on his back while he slept.  Glenwood, on the other hand, was not so happy.  Dr. H sedated her, took x-rays (which I'll post once I have them), drained several gallons of pus from her ear, and poked around to see what the deal is with this chronic ear infection.  No polyp.  But, unfortunately, even I could see on the x-rays that one ear-area is different from the other.  A radiologist is going to have a look and I'll know more in a week or so, but it looks like my miracle kitty needs surgery.  I wish my miracle kitty would win the lottery.

It's discouraging, but manageable.  I'm just sad that this little puff has only had a couple of months of health in her whole life.  The upside is I'm the only one who is sad.  She is deliriously happy (at home, with me), thriving, and in no distress.  Can you imagine how awesome this stretch must feel?

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