There Might Be Some Kangaroo in Grace |
While Grace has endeared herself to this household - she has 21 toes! she fetches! - Glenwood has been struggling with infection, and we are in the midst of a second round. A shot of a long-lasting antibiotic plus a run of Clavamox seemed to do the trick the first time, then last Sunday she retreated again. I made an appointment at One Love, and she must have overheard because she went behind the TV, then under the bed, then under the dresser, and so on. I could not get her. So I cancelled the appointment, and having overheard that, she marched out for a scritch. I grabbed her, remade the appointment, and showed up with cat hair all over me from crawling under the bed. The kind receptionist handed me a lint roller.
Sleeping |
Looks Like Taxidermy But Just Yawning |
She got another shot last Sunday with an ear medication to give her twice daily for ten days. But when I got home she went behind the TV for four days.
May 5 through May 9 |
She's out now so receiving her meds, but making strange respiratory noises when she eats. At least she's eating, if not grooming much. I have found her perched with my cat memorabilia, which is unnerving ...
Where Cats Rest |
... while Grace does her thing nearby.
A New Best Friend |
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