The endless chasing/running and paw-to-paw combat continue, as does the occasional bath/cuddle. Timmy's tenure as Alpha Boy may well be over. The same spirit that Glenwood tapped to stay alive (and to meow at a stranger in the dark then purr as she got lifted up and carried away) is in full force in our household. I retain hopes that she will mellow with age (and perhaps, spaying), and am confident Timmy does too. Here he is in precautionary hiding mode, a newly developed skill. He has definitely dropped a pound or two with all the running.Unfortunately, Glenwood always seems to find him.
The only hope he has if she gets preoccupied with a different toy. Her tennis ball remains bigger than her head, though her head-to-body ratio has evened out. She is very long, very lean, with a squirrel tail in skunk colors.