I've noticed that with every medication change for Glenwood, I feel overwhelmed and anxious about how I'll get it all done. Within about 36 hours, the new regimen is folded into my mornings and evenings and I wonder what all my fuss was about. I need to itemize my coming-home ritual as it's evolved to, because I am proud.
- Feed Timmy, and pet him while he eats, which I've learned all cats love.
- Make my first visit to Glenwood (who is meowing). Bring half a can of cat food and a syringe for her nutritional supplement.
- Enter the bathroom and feed the beast. Clean up strewn litter and toys, as well as unpleasant stains, while she eats. Pet her. Coo. Give her the supplement. Comb her. She loves the comb.
- Leave the bathroom with her empty bowl. Mix a drink and put in a baked potato. Pet Timmy so he eats. Chop up two vitamins and mix into more food.
- Return to bathroom with drink (I know; yuck), syringe with her oral antibiotic (which must stay in the fridge), empty syringe for ear antibiotic (kept in bathroom), and food. Give her everything except the ear med and my drink.
- Leave bathroom to get ringworm med #1 (kept in fridge). Leave drink behind as I'll be back soon.
- Return to bathroom and put her ear meds in. This went exceptionally well tonight, as I was able to hold her ear closed for more than a nanosecond before she shook it all out. Put on surgical glove and apply ringworm med #1 to all lesions. Get her agitated enough to claw me. Sip on drink.
- Return to kitchen and make a salad. Get the laser light and play with Timmy. Mix a second drink. Acknowledge the urge to make this list.
I've been home since 7.15; it's 9.00 now. Timmy is beside me on his pillow, quiet (for now). Glenwood is also quiet (for now). Next: ringworm lotion and immune system supplement. Play with this beautiful, loving kitten. Have dinner.
There's more, but I really need to go. Thanks for checking in.
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