I've been concerned about Glenwood's scratching - her ears are raw and I've seen two live fleas. Some research turned up various home remedies, and my vet OK'd a bath in a little Dawn liquid. Dr. Ryan advised me to put cotton in her ears to keep water out and to put her eye medication in to protect her eyes from the soap. Here she is prebath with cotton balls in her ears and gooey eyes. She didn't seem to mind the cotton until I put her into the water, then she shook them out in a nanosecond.
The bath didn't go over too well. Her little heart was beating so fast, and with her fur wet she looked a little scary. She enjoyed the postbath rubdown on my lap, however. She's such a lap cat! Curls right up and plops down without any niceties.
She went from the photo below into a clean bed. That's pretty much where I'm headed. Between the activity of caring for her and the emotional stress, I'm exhausted. I hope Dr. Ryan will find she's progressing well at Saturday's check-up.

1 comment:
Glenwood, do you know the song "Unforgettable"?
It opens with the words
" Unforgettable, that's what you are......"
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