Copyright 2009-2013 Liz Sweibel

Friday, February 12, 2010

Maybe a Distant Cousin

I did hear back from the nice people at Bideawee! Bitsy was found in Greenpoint, making both kittens Brooklynites if not relatives. Bideawee reports that Bitsy's tail is not as fluffy as Glenwood's, which seems to keep growing even as the rest of her has slowed down.

Glenwood is breathing raspily more often, I think. I'm nervous her scarred bronchioles can't keep up with her bigger, more active self. She sleeps against me at night, and has made my bedtime her bath time. She goes into full lick mode. The deeper she goes into the bath-zone, the louder she snorts. I have to wait until she's clean, sighs, and goes still before I can doze off.

Her spay is not far off. I've spoken with Dr. Ryan, and will be making an appointment within the next couple of weeks. She needs a bit of extra care because of her "rough start," as Anna put it, so I want to make sure my time is clear so I can take care of her.

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