Copyright 2009-2013 Liz Sweibel

Sunday, May 16, 2010

She's Jewish!

Everyone knows a Jewish mother has Jewish offspring, but who knew it extended to a rescue kitten (especially one with the WASP-y name of Glenwood)?  But she is!  The bagel theft gave her away. The plastic bag it was in had a long tail, and she kept stepping on it as she ran from me, making for a bizarre chase.

Meanwhile, Timmy has taken to perching on top of the fridge, a new trick, and one I'd like to stop.  Yeah, right.

1 comment:

emily said...

Liz! Timmy was always a fridge cat. Ever since he was a kitten in my little manhattan studio, he loved the top of the fridge. it's up high, and it's warm. and you know how much timmy loves warmth.