Copyright 2009-2013 Liz Sweibel

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Reading Material and a Little Stretch

We are all reading Thinking, Fast and Slow.  (Fabulous book.)  Glenwood then reclines in the summer heat.  A Timmy update follows.
Timmy began prednisone today.  He continues to be in good spirits and have a terrific appetite, but now I understand that he isn't gaining weight because the food isn't nourishing him.  It's feeding the cancer.  That was hard to hear.  But Dr. Ryan said to give him all he wants, so I am on deck as waitstaff pretty much all the time.

I also notice that he's a little less tolerant of Glenwood's antics, but then again so am I.  The difference is that he hisses and I screech.  He's been such a good sport with her for so long that he's earned a slightly shorter fuse for any number of reasons.

Monday, July 16, 2012

When Is Dinner?

Timmy Holding the Remote
As you could probably tell from my initial post about Timmy's illness, I thought the end was imminent.  I was wrong, thankfully, though I don't know how wrong.  Also, I don't want this blog to become a morbid accounting of Big Timmy's decline.  So I will post updates as I have them, since so many of you ask (thank you!), and share Timmy as the loving, hilarious (albeit thin and balding) beast he continues to be.

It is pretty definitive that Timmy has a cancerous mass in his throat.  There will be no biopsy, as it would be an awful procedure for him.  My last message from Dr. Ryan mentioned acupuncture and Chinese herbs to slow the growth of the cancer; she referred me to the One Love vet who practices Eastern medicine on Western pets.  I will get more information.  Based on how he treats my meditation area, he has no respect.

In the meantime, Timmy continues to eat an incredible amount.  He has a bit of trouble with dry food (though wetting it helps), so it's wet food all the way.  Here's the stash of kitty tuna I lugged home from TJs today.  I hope it lasts the week.  I must go now because he's jumped on the desk demanding more.

Glenwood and Timmy Taking Inventory

Timmy Double-Checking

Monday, July 9, 2012

And a little lighter still

Some good news today:  whatever is going on with the bones in Timmy's head does not appear to be cancer.  The radiologist didn't see cause for concern about that.  That leaves the big growth in his throat to figure out.

The shot of antibiotics has silenced his bulldog breathing; Dr. Ryan thinks the growth might be collecting bacteria and the antibiotics clear out any brewing infection.  That's the second round and the second time it's worked.  It's a two-week injection.

Thanks for all the e-mails and thoughts.  We are doing OK for now and I have never, ever seen a cat eat as much wet food as Timmy is eating.  It is amazing.

Timmy sleeping in the hamper, November 2011

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Breathing a Tad Lighter for the Moment

Friday night, with Timmy in his usual place by my side and Glenwood as usual waking us up at all hours, Timmy got the massage of his life and we both dozed off with his head in my hand.  I realized he isn't ready to go and I'm not ready to let him go.  So there was some peace in that.  At some other point during the night, I refilled the dry food container, and let the cats revel in its bounty.

Midnight feast
The drive to One Love was horrible.  Timmy was panting, drooling, and more or less checked out; by the time I got in I was in tears, again scared I'd be leaving without him.  Mash, a new vet tech I met once before, was as kind as a human could be, to both of us.  (I recently read up on One Love on Yelp, and my adoration of these people is clearly shared.)

Timmy hasn't lost more weight, which has to be the 400 cans of wet food he's consumed recently.  (Are four hollow legs possible?  The pictures below are his post-vet feast.)  That's good, but he's only about 12 pounds, which may sound like a lot to those of you who have not been in his mighty presence, but is way down from his fighting weight.

What Dr. Ryan (I love her) found is that Timmy has a mass in his throat, which is why his breathing is loud ("like a bulldog," she said).  It may be a tumor or a polyp.  He has always had an odd way of drinking water, taking some sips then lifting his head to swallow them, which may mean it's a polyp that's always been there but has grown.  Dr. Ryan also found that the bones in his head look "moth-eaten"; I could see how light and spotty they looked on the x-ray.  This is more commonly seen in dogs with bone cancer.

The x-rays are being looked at by a radiologist, and I will know more tonight.  In the meantime, bringing Timmy home was as joyous as anything could be with things as they are.  So here's the celebration.

Wet food!
Checking Glenwood's progress
That's it?
Oh well. Time to overgroom.
And rest.
The black shadow behind Timmy is Glenwood,
who had been sufficiently hissed at upon his return to retreat.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Here we are, Timmy at my feet and Glenwood in the chair, and I have sad news.

Timmy has cancer and is in decline.  It began with weight loss a few months back, which has continued, but the blood work and x-rays kept coming back clear.  We ran different antibiotics in case the fleas left something behind (did I mention we had fleas? on the sixth floor of a Brooklyn apartment?), but his weight kept dropping.  We hoped it was his thyroid or even diabetes, since they are treatable, but no. He started pulling his fur out about a week ago.

Timmy is not in distress.  He eats like a champ, purrs, and is generally as-usual, but very thin and balding.  (The photo is flattering.)  He also has a bit of a rasp in his breathing.  I spoke with Dr. Ryan a little while ago, and we have an appointment at One Love tomorrow afternoon.  It seems things are starting to change more rapidly and I don't want him to suffer for a nanosecond.  I do not know what the outcome of the visit will be but am staying home and giving Big Timmy lots of affection and wet food until we go.

Glenwood just came over to Timmy for a bath, and he's obliging.  I wonder what she knows.