Copyright 2009-2013 Liz Sweibel

Sunday, November 1, 2009

One Month In

Well, four and a half weeks, but who's counting? It's easier to remember the first of the month.

Glenwood is doing great. Her left eye is apparently healed. The ringworm is healing. (You can see the white fur coming in on her back and tail.) She is done with her oral and ear antibiotics. Her energy output (not to mention litter-box output) is astounding. It's unlikely I'll be posting still shots unless I catch her sleeping (rare). She is planning her escape from the bathroom, and it's harder and harder to foil her. I use a dustpan as a shield when I go in, but I'll soon need something larger and scarier.

This is a photo from October 23, but I love it. It shows how much smalller she was just ten days ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks terrific!
