On Monday, the vet told me I could free Glenwood from the bathroom after all. I crowed. C-r-o-w-e-d. The surprise of it was even better than when I was expecting it. So home she and I went for a final bleaching of the bathroom and a release party. Sherri, who's been instrumental in her care (and mine) since she came home with me October 1, documented the festivities. Believe it or not, after weeks of trying to escape, she emerged slowly when I opened the door ... ... as Timmy watched from behind the screen I put between them just in case.
I needn't have worried (and didn't, really). Their first encounter was nonchalant: "So that's who was in [out] there."
The screen went.
She was cautious the first night (though not even a little since) as I found her sleeping in the bathroom sink.
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