Copyright 2009-2013 Liz Sweibel

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Glenwood Diet

April is Senior Pet Wellness Month at Hope Vet so I schlepped Timmy in there today for a check-up.  Once in the exam room, the vet tech weighed him and was so surprised at the drop in weight that he got a different scale!  But the result was the same, as shown in the graph below, courtesy of Dr. Ryan.
While a big drop in kitty weight can be cause for concern (diabetes, etc.), Dr. Ryan didn't come close to panicking because she knew exactly how Timmy dropped the pounds:  running from Glenwood.  Yes, he occasionally chases her, but not enough to slim down so dramatically.  He looks svelte and wonderful, with no major tartar on his teeth and all else looking and sounding good.  His tests will be back in a week, so I'll post then (if not before).  I'd post a photo of him post-vet but he's had enough for today without me pointing a camera at him.

Glenwood is doing great (now that I'm back from the conference), except for some furball that's having her make these hacking noises (thankfully less horrifying than the barking she did while in heat).  Dr. Ryan suggested some flax oil.  Update to come.

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