Copyright 2009-2013 Liz Sweibel

Saturday, April 3, 2010


There was a hilarious moment chez Glenwood Thursday night, but I can't download the photo until early next week so the story must wait.  This bit of wrestling will have to suffice.  Look how big she's getting!  It's length mostly, not bulk.  She's still about a third of Timmy's weight, very lean.

But not mean!  Glenwood seems to be calming in her old age - 10 months (roughly) as of April 1.  She still chases Timmy like a lunatic, but there's much less hissing and much more play.  She's also become my shadow.  Like Riley, she follows me around and is with me all the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm just getting a chance to catch up on the Glenwood escapades! What an adorable kitty you've got there. You and Timmy seem to have your hands full! xo-Alicia