Copyright 2009-2013 Liz Sweibel

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Glenwood Weighs In

Glenwood has tripled her body weight since October 2! Dr. Ryan, who kindly provided the graphic below, said, "She's almost caught up weight-wise. She's 97% there, except for the ringworm." I don't know what percentage drop the ringworm might contribute, but it's about quality-of-life not life-or-death. I do know it means Glenwood's world will remain the bathroom for awhile. She's got several lesions; some are improving (new hair), some are the same, and the ones on her head are held back by her scratching. So now she has a soft collar to wear after I treat her. That should go over very well.
Other than that, she was incredibly quiet and patient while Nelson, Anna, and Dr. Ryan cleaned her up, took her temp (normal), and poked at her. Dr. Ryan dug four pounds of black goo out of her left ear, but at least it's not the stinky Pseudomonas now. Her meds are changed.

When we got home, she went to her safe place beside the tub. On my last visit, she was back in her paper-bag-bed. (A stroke of genius on my part: I cut a Whole Foods double bag down into a room of her own. She caught on immediately. Two geniuses in one apartment.) Dr. Ryan gave her a tennis ball, which is bigger than her head and should make the midnight hockey game even more boisterous. I'll post some new photos soon. Thanks for checking in.

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